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Message Posted: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 @ 17:27:58 GMT
Subj: | | UNIX Processes |
From: | | Hassinger, Bill |
I was recently told by a technical staff resource (not from NCR) that the MP-RAS Unix system can handle 4000 active processes. Is this true?
Or is the 4000 a 'rule of thumb' or not accurate at all? The reason I ask is that I did a count of processes during a recent load job which
involved multiple fastload jobs and we were at 3600+. I believe at one time I saw about 1000 active processes on our system when no user activity
was occurring. This would leave @3000 processes for user work.
Does each awt equal a process? What are awtmain processes? Is the '# of Procs' form schmon an accurate reflection of the UNIX processes
being consumed by queries or is this a Teradata task identifier?