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Message Posted: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 @ 13:33:27 GMT

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Subj:   Re: DNS and CLI
From:   Joseph D silva


I am not sure if the DNS guys can help if you don't have DNS suffix configured at your end.

For example if I do a

     nslookup google

from the command prompt at home over my internet connection, it would just crib that it can't find the domain, but if I give www.google.com instead, it does return me the ip addresses ...

That's because I think (I am not ntwk geek, this my observational comments) the DNS suffix is applied by the "laptop/client machine" if the hostname is not fully qualified before making a dns lookup.

So how do you add those DNS suffixes ?

go to network properties, in the general tab select internet protocol (TCP/IP) , click properties

And on it's general properties tab you would probably see something like obtain dns server automatically, click on the advanced button, and you would get advanced tcp/ip settings

go to the DNS tab, select append these DNS suffixes, use the add button to add the suffix XXX.YYY.ZZ .. make sure you do an ipconfig /all before you do this and add any more dns suffixes listed in that output.

Also the order in which dns suffixes show up will determine whether it will try to lookup host.XXX.YYY.ZZ first or host.SSS.YYY.ZZ etc ... which would further decide on how fast your connection request would get resolved. (if some one complains about that initial login request taking a while but the queries return output faster, then this is one of those possible reasons .... )


Joseph D'silva

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