Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 @ 15:12:46 GMT
Subj: | | DNS and CLI |
From: | | Fenwick, Ruth |
Hi All,
Our company policy is to not have aliases for any DNS. This is simple enough for ODBC connections, but how to I set it up for CLI
If for example, I have an DNS called MYCMNPYCOP1.XXX.YYY.ZZ, if I can't get an alias called MYCMNPY, what should be in the Hosts file? The
way I read the CLI manual, I should have an entry in the hosts file on the DNS server(s). I doubt I can 'negotiate' that. I only have control
over the various servers that connect to Teradata. Is there something I can put in the local hosts file that will allow DNS to be used for CLI?
Or local to the specific server? For example, is there something I could do on my local laptop to use WinBteq and logon as .logon MYMPNY/myid
and have it resolve to the fully qualified DNS?
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