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Message Posted: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 @ 10:00:06 GMT
Subj: | | Re: EXPLAIN rights |
From: | | Techow, Ric |
In DB2 an explain can be done without having SQL authorizations in a round about way.
There is a concept called a package which contains the SQL of a program. It has to be prepared and bound before it can be executed. You have
an option to explain the SQL as it is being bound. You also have an option to validate authorizations at bind time or at run time. If you
choose run time you get explains without having the SQL authorizations. Normally you would use VALIDATE(BIND) in production for performance.
Doesn't work for what is called dynamic SQL in DB2. In that case you have to use the Explain statement and you have to
I agree that there should be an authorization that allows the user to explain without SQL authorizations. It has to be a global authorization
over the whole DBMS since there is no useful way to restrict to explains over a set of tables.