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Message Posted: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 @ 20:57:54 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Distributed Data Warehousing Question |
From: | | JANIK, ROBERT B |
The advantages to distributed data warehousing are many and varied yet different from those of a centralized data warehouse.
Historically, corporations have been cyclical between centralized and distributed data processing efforts. The trend generally follows the
success of the company. When a company is successful, the trend is toward centralization which, of course, requires a greater expense. When a
company is experiencing leaner times, the trend is toward distribution.
Again, I don't want to argue the pros and cons. Volumes could be written for either side. I am just seeking information as to whether or not
Teradata technology allows "separate data marts (at different physical locations) communicating selected database table information back to a
single user query".
If not, then does Teradata have intentions of meeting this need at some point in the future?
Bob J.