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Message Posted: Fri, 02 May 2014 @ 13:11:40 GMT

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Subj:   Re: Abnormal behavior of query in TD14.10 after upgrade from TD14
From:   Dave Wellman

Hi Sravan,

I'm guessing that the explain below is from the 'bad' query. What is the plan when you run this query from SQLA, Bteq etc? Differences in the plan will point to the reasons for the performance difference. You may be able ot get both plans from DBQL data, if that option is turned on.

When you say that the front-end app 'takes the values dynamically' do you mean that it uses parameters in the sql and passes the values to Teradata with a USING clause? If that is the case then you can do the same thing with Bteq (and probably other tools). Save the values in a data file and then get BTEQ to read that file.

If the difference between the plans is caused by the use of a USING clause or not then (I think) there are dbscontrol parms which affect the use of this.

But let's start with the differences between the two plans. If there aren't any plan differences then are the two queries running in a different workload?



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