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Message Posted: Fri, 02 May 2014 @ 10:34:16 GMT

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Subj:   Abnormal behavior of query in TD14.10 after upgrade from TD14
From:   Bodla, Sravan Kumar

Hi Forum,

We have upgraded our system from TD14 to TD14.10 and facing abnormal behavior of one query since 2 days and has been a serious threat, if we need to move back to older version because of the issue.

The below query when executed from SQLA, Bteq , TDStudio provides the result in less than 10 seconds.

Whereas, the same query running from front end application (Websphere app) runs for more than 1.5hrs and consumes lots of system resources.

We do not have any control on front end application as it's a GUI and the client suspects the issue on upgrade.

The only change done, when we run in SQLA or TDStudio is we pass the parameters to the query (some values or null values), whereas the front end app takes the values dynamically.

The query is stuck at 1 point (Product join) and continues to be hanging and the system gets jammed when the app fires more no. of similar queries. This issue is only TEST environment whereas, the same query runs fine in DEV environment. (there is a difference of 10K rows in DEV).

Your quick help on this would be highly appreciated.


Database version: TD 14.10
Client JDBC version: 14
Web Sphere app:

1). Stats refreshed after upgrade.

2). Stats Dropped and re collected.

3). System restarted to clear cache.

4). Web servers restarted.

In the runtime explain plan of web server application fired query, there is huge difference between actual rows and estimated rows.

     SELECT businesspa0_.BSNSS_PRTNR_ID AS col_0_0_,
         businesspa0_.ACCNT_TYP AS col_1_0_,
         businesspa0_.NM_1 AS col_2_0_,
         businesspa0_.NM_2 AS col_3_0_,
         businesspa0_.NM_3 AS col_4_0_,
         businesspa0_.NM_4 AS col_5_0_,
         businesspa0_.INTRNTNL_NM_1 AS col_6_0_,
         businesspa0_.INTRNTNL_NM_2 AS col_7_0_,
         businesspa0_.INTRNTNL_NM_3 AS col_8_0_,
         businesspa0_.INTRNTNL_NM_4 AS col_9_0_,
         businesspa0_.VT_NMBR AS col_10_0_,
         businesspa0_.LFCYCL AS col_11_0_,
         businesspa0_.CRTD_BY_IN_SRC AS col_12_0_,
         businesspa0_.LST_MDFD_BY_IN_SRC AS col_13_0_,
         businesspa0_.VRSN AS col_14_0_,
         language6_.CD_CL AS col_15_0_,
         contactmec1_.CNTCT_MCHNSM_ID AS col_16_0_,
         contactmec1_.ADDRSS_LN_1 AS col_17_0_,
         contactmec1_.ADDRSS_LN_2 AS col_18_0_,
         contactmec1_.ADDRSS_LN_3 AS col_19_0_,
         contactmec1_.DSTRCT AS col_20_0_,
         contactmec1_.ADDRSS_LN_4 AS col_21_0_,
         contactmec1_.ADDRSS_LN_5 AS col_22_0_,
         contactmec1_.CTY AS col_23_0_,
         contactmec1_.PSTL_CD AS col_24_0_,
         country5_.CD_CL AS col_25_0_,
         country5_.GGRPHC_AR_ID AS col_26_0_,
         contactmec1_.TLPHN_NMBR AS col_27_0_,
         contactmec1_.EML_ADDRSS AS col_28_0_,
         contactmec1_.P_O_BX_NMBR AS col_29_0_,
         contactmec1_.P_O_BX_PSTL_CD AS col_30_0_,
         contactmec1_.P_O_BX_CTY AS col_31_0_,
         contactmec1_.HS_NMBR AS col_32_0_,
         contactmec1_.HS_NMBR_SPPLMNT AS col_33_0_,
         contactmec1_.BLDNG_CD AS col_34_0_,
         contactmec1_.FLR AS col_35_0_,
         contactmec1_.RM AS col_36_0_,
         language6_.VRSN AS col_37_0_,
         contactmec1_.VRSN AS col_38_0_,
         country5_1_.VRSN AS col_39_0_,
         trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_1 AS col_40_0_,
         trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_2 AS col_41_0_,
         trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_3 AS col_42_0_,
         trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_4 AS col_43_0_,
         trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_5 AS col_44_0_,
         trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_6 AS col_45_0_,
         trilliumex3_.DT_QLTY_CD AS col_46_0_,
         trilliumex3_.PRSR_TNNG_CD AS col_47_0_,
         trilliumex3_.CLNSNG_STTS AS col_48_0_,
         trilliumex3_.MTCH_STRT_NM AS col_49_0_,
         trilliumex3_.MTCH_HS_NMBR AS col_50_0_,
         trilliumex3_.MTCH_STRT_TYP AS col_51_0_,
         trilliumex3_.MTCH_BSNSS_NM AS col_52_0_,
         trilliumex3_.MTCH_BLDNG_NM_1 AS col_53_0_,
         trilliumex3_.MTCH_BLDNG_TYP_1 AS col_54_0_,
         trilliumex3_.MTCH_BLDNG_NM_2 AS col_55_0_,
         trilliumex3_.MTCH_BLDNG_TYP_2 AS col_56_0_,
         trilliumex3_.MTCH_APRTMNT_NMBR AS col_57_0_,
         usagetype4_.TYP AS col_58_0_,
         countrysub2_.NM AS col_59_0_,
         countrysub2_.CNTRY_SBDVSN_CD AS col_60_0_,
         trilliumex3_.TRLLM_EXTNSN_ID AS col_61_0_,
         trilliumex3_.VRSN AS col_62_0_,
         usagetype4_.TYP_ID AS col_63_0_,
         usagetype4_.VRSN AS col_64_0_,
         countrysub2_.GGRPHC_AR_ID AS col_65_0_,
         countrysub2_1_.VRSN AS col_66_0_
     businesspa0_.BSNSS_PRTNR_ID=contactmec1_.BSNSS_PRTNR AND contactmec1_.ACTV
     contactmec1_.CNTRY_SBDVSN=countrysub2_.GGRPHC_AR_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
     T_REFERENCE_DATA.V_GGRPHC_AR countrysub2_1_ ON
     countrysub2_.GGRPHC_AR_ID=countrysub2_1_.GGRPHC_AR_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
     contactmec1_.CNTCT_MCHNSM_ID=trilliumex3_.CNTCT_MCHNSM_FK_0 AND
     usagetype4_ ON contactmec1_.USG_TYP=usagetype4_.TYP_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
     businesspa0_.CNTRY=country5_.GGRPHC_AR_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
     country5_.GGRPHC_AR_ID=country5_1_.GGRPHC_AR_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
     T_REFERENCE_DATA.V_LNGG language6_ ON businesspa0_.LNGG=language6_.CD_CL
         WHERE businesspa0_.ACTV <> 'N'
             AND  (businesspa0_.BSNSS_PRTNR_ID NOT IN  ('402099324'))
             AND  (businesspa0_.LFCYCL='draft')
             AND  usagetype4_.TYP=1
             AND  (trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_1 = '' OR trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_2='' OR
     trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_3='' OR trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_4='' OR
     trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_5='' OR trilliumex3_.WNDW_KY_6='');
     businesspa0_.BSNSS_PRTNR_ID  -- UPI

Runtime Explain plan:

     Step Number  Confidence     Est. Rows        Actual Rows   Est. Time
     Actual Time    Step Text

     1          0          0          48        0          0
     First, lock T_BUSINESS_PARTNER.USG_TYP for access, we lock
     T_BUSINESS_PARTNER.TRLLM_EXTNSN for access, we lock
     T_BUSINESS_PARTNER.CNTCT_MCHNSM for access, we lock
     for access.
     2          2          1          520695            2.027329  1.13 Next, we
     do an All-AMPs RETRIEVE step from T_BUSINESS_PARTNER.BSNSS_PRTNR by way of
     an all-rows scan into Spool 1968, which is redistributed by hash code to all
     3          2          1          520695            0.020052  1.01 We do an
     All-AMPs JOIN step from Spool 1968 (Last Use) by way of an all-rows scan,
     which is joined to table CNTRY. Spool 1968 and table CNTRY are left outer
     joined using a merge join . The result goes into Spool 1969, which is
     redistributed by hash code to all AMPs.
     4          2          48        2.50E+07         0.034313
     22.2     We a two-AMP JOIN step from Spool 1969 (Last Use) by way of an
     all-rows scan, which is joined to table GGRPHC_AR. Spool 1969 and table
     GGRPHC_AR are left outer joined using a merge join . The result goes into
     Spool 1970, which is duplicated on all AMPs.
     5          2          1          524314            3.006738
     1496.26           We do an All-AMPs JOIN step from Spool 1970 (Last Use) by
     way of an all-rows scan, which is joined to table CNTCT_MCHNSM. Spool 1970
     and table CNTCT_MCHNSM are joined using a product join . The result goes
     into Spool 1971, which is redistributed by hash code to all AMPs.
     6          2          1          482032            0.020025
     1.1            We do an All-AMPs JOIN step from T_BUSINESS_PARTNER.USG_TYP
     by way of an all-rows scan, which is joined to Spool 1971. table USG_TYP and
     Spool 1971 are joined using a merge join . The result goes into Spool 1972,
     which is redistributed by hash code to all AMPs.
     7          2          2                      0.020152         0
     We a two-AMP JOIN step from Spool 1972 (Last Use) by way of an all-rows
     scan, which is joined to table LNGG. Spool 1972 and table LNGG are left
     outer joined using a merge join . The result goes into Spool 1973, which is
     redistributed by hash code to all AMPs.
     8          2          3                      0.020237                     We
     a two-AMP JOIN step from Spool 1973 (Last Use) by way of an all-rows scan,
     which is joined to table CNTRY_SBDVSN. Spool 1973 and table CNTRY_SBDVSN are
     left outer joined using a merge join . The result goes into Spool 1974,
     which is redistributed by hash code to all AMPs.
     9          2          144                  0.034383                     We a
     two-AMP JOIN step from Spool 1974 (Last Use) by way of an all-rows scan,
     which is joined to table GGRPHC_AR. Spool 1974 and table GGRPHC_AR are left
     outer joined using a merge join . The result goes into Spool 1975, which is
     duplicated on all AMPs.
     10        2          3                      3.316798                     We
     do an All-AMPs JOIN step from Spool 1975 (Last Use) by way of an all-rows
     scan, which is joined to table TRLLM_EXTNSN. Spool 1975 and table
     TRLLM_EXTNSN are joined using a dynamic hash join . The result goes into
     Spool 1967, which is built locally on the AMPs.

Thank you,


GCC International - Technical Consultant

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