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Message Posted: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 @ 23:36:11 GMT
Subj: | | Export results to a file from Teradata Adhoc tool |
From: | | Bakthavachalam, Roopalini |
Hi Forum,
Is there a way to export the result set from Teradata adhoc tool? Adhoc is a Teradata command line tool. We can run SQL statements, however I
am looking to export the result set from adhoc. Any idea?
[root@na01liwd01c325 C]# ./adhoc
Enter Data Source Name: TSTEST2
Enter UserID: XXXXX
Enter Password:
Connecting with SQLConnect(DSN=TSTEST2,UID=XXXXX,PWD=*)...
.....ODBC connection successful.
ODBC version = -03.52.0000-
DBMS name = -Teradata-
DBMS version = -14.00.0204
Driver name = -tdata.so-
Driver version = -
Driver ODBC version = - 03.51-
(type quit to terminate adhoc)
Enter SQL string :
| |