Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 @ 16:08:06 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Difference between Backup tools |
From: | | Chu, Sam |
Your question:
| Need clarification on the following tools. | |
| Why some customers are using Net-Vault for Backup-Recovery? Why Not Teradata Back-up tool. | |
| Is there any specific reason? What is the Teradata Backup tool Name? Is it Arc? | |
The simple answer is that ARC or ARCMAIN is the backend software for TERADATA. NCR had plug in for netvault so it is one of several open
backup solutions NCR has for TERADATA. NCR used to have some in-house UNIX front end utility support backup and recovery software (ARCMAIN)
called ASF2. The mainframe people use MVS to submit ARCMAIN script. There are also NETBACKUP module to be used with NETBACKUP in WINDOW
environment. At one time, NCR claim they were going to disconnect certain software and encourage everyone to go with their solution partner of
the time and netvault was pushed as product of choice during V2R4 time frame.
This question is like why does some customer use SQL assistant (queryman) and some people uses BTEQ or BTEQWIN. They are all front-end tool to
submit SQL to the database for process.
Similarly, Netvault, Netbackup, ARCMAIN/MVS, and new tivoli module (for V2R6) are all front end software to assist in getting the data from ARC
into the tape through tape management software.
NCR web site ( under data warehousing selection on the left menu can lead you to an open backup section. They have very
detail explanation of everything you want to know about their backup solution. You will of course balance your environment and the cost and make
your decision on your choice.
Hope this helps,
Samuel Chu