Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 @ 17:36:44 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Skew puzzle |
From: | | Terry Stover |
I haven't run into any discrepancies other than rounding between the skew values in Teradata administrator and the query. You do have an old
version of the skew query that doesn't properly handle the table size for tables with multi column PI's (the skew and variance values were still
accurate though). Here's the corrected version.
/* ############ PI COLUMNS CROSSTAB WITH TABLE SKEW ############
Show tablename, perm space MBytes, skew, PI type and PI columns (crosstab).
Useful for a quick overview of your PI's. One goal is to to keep row
variance < 5%
(reference V2R5.1 DB Design Manual, p 10-32, "Analyzing Column Distribution
Demographics to Optimize PI Selection")
Author: Terry Stover, Levi Strauss & Co. 2004-05-14.
Comments & feedback are welcome: [email protected] or [email protected].
Change History
2004-12-22 Corrected product join between dbc.tables and dbc.indices. Was
giving incorrect total space for multi column PI. Feedback by Ulrich Arndt.
############################################################## */
lock row for access
SELECT di.databasename,
max(columnposition) Nbr_columns,
max(perm_mb) perm_mb,
max(tableskew) as tableskew,
max(tablevariance) as tablevariance,
max (case when columnposition = 1 then columnname else '' end) col1,
max (case when columnposition = 2 then columnname else '' end) col2,
max (case when columnposition = 3 then columnname else '' end) col3,
max (case when columnposition = 4 then columnname else '' end) col4,
max (case when columnposition = 5 then columnname else '' end) col5,
max (case when columnposition = 6 then columnname else '' end) col6,
max (case when columnposition = 7 then columnname else '' end) col7,
max (case when columnposition = 8 then columnname else '' end) col8,
max (case when columnposition = 9 then columnname else '' end) col9
FROM dbc.indices di,
(select databasename,
SUM(cast(t.currentperm as decimal(18,0))/(1024*1024)) perm_mb,
100*((cast(max(t.currentperm ) as decimal(18,3)) -
cast(ave(t.currentperm ) as decimal(18,3))))
/(nullif(cast(max(t.currentperm) as decimal(18,3)),0)) as tableskew,
100*((cast(max(t.currentperm ) as decimal(18,3)) -
cast(min(t.currentperm ) as decimal(18,3))))
/(nullif(cast(min(t.currentperm) as decimal(18,3)),0) )
as tablevariance
from dbc.tablesize t
where databasename in ('dw_data')
group by databasename, tablename
) as t
WHERE di.databasename in ('dw_data')
and di.indextype = 'P'
and di.databasename = t.databasename
and di.tablename = t.tablename
GROUP BY di.databasename,
ORDER BY di.databasename,
| |