Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 @ 17:34:53 GMT
Subj: | | Useful DD Index Queries - PI Column Crosstab with Table Skew & Variance CORRECTION |
From: | | Terry Stover |
Another useful DD query, displays one row for each table, shows table skew & variance along with PI columns. Thanks to Ulrich Arndt for
pointing out product join in the original verision.
/* ############ PI COLUMNS CROSSTAB WITH TABLE SKEW ############
Show tablename, perm space MBytes, skew, PI type and PI columns (crosstab).
Useful for a quick overview of your PI's. One goal is to to keep row
variance < 5%
(reference V2R5.1 DB Design Manual, p 10-32, "Analyzing Column Distribution
Demographics to Optimize PI Selection")
Author: Terry Stover, Levi Strauss & Co. 2004-05-14.
Comments & feedback are welcome: [email protected] or [email protected].
Change History
2004-12-22 Corrected product join between dbc.tables and dbc.indices. Was
giving incorrect total space for multi column PI. Feedback by Ulrich Arndt.
########################################################### */
lock row for access
SELECT di.databasename,
max(columnposition) Nbr_columns,
max(perm_mb) perm_mb,
max(tableskew) as tableskew,
max(tablevariance) as tablevariance,
max (case when columnposition = 1 then columnname else '' end) col1,
max (case when columnposition = 2 then columnname else '' end) col2,
max (case when columnposition = 3 then columnname else '' end) col3,
max (case when columnposition = 4 then columnname else '' end) col4,
max (case when columnposition = 5 then columnname else '' end) col5,
max (case when columnposition = 6 then columnname else '' end) col6,
max (case when columnposition = 7 then columnname else '' end) col7,
max (case when columnposition = 8 then columnname else '' end) col8,
max (case when columnposition = 9 then columnname else '' end) col9
FROM dbc.indices di,
(select databasename,
SUM(cast(t.currentperm as decimal(18,0))/(1024*1024)) perm_mb,
100*((cast(max(t.currentperm ) as decimal(18,3)) -
cast(ave(t.currentperm ) as decimal(18,3))))
/(nullif(cast(max(t.currentperm) as decimal(18,3)),0)) as tableskew,
100*((cast(max(t.currentperm ) as decimal(18,3)) -
cast(min(t.currentperm ) as decimal(18,3))))
/(nullif(cast(min(t.currentperm) as decimal(18,3)),0) ) as tablevariance
from dbc.tablesize t
where databasename in ('dw_data')
group by databasename, tablename
) as t
WHERE di.databasename in ('dw_data')
and di.indextype = 'P'
and di.databasename = t.databasename
and di.tablename = t.tablename
GROUP BY di.databasename,
ORDER BY di.databasename,
| |