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Message Posted: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 @ 14:18:12 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Loss of decimal precision values |
From: | | Fred Pluebell |
Ah, the wonders of finite precision arithmetic...
Loss of precision is due to inability to fit the exact quotient (or mantissa for a FLOAT) into a fixed number of bits. Arithmetic properties
one learns in school (commutative, associative, distributive) do not apply to finite precision calculations; order of operations matters. Often
the simplest workaround is to rearrange the expression to postpone division as late as possible within the calculation. In other words, (100*x)/y
is likely a better way to calculate percentage than (x/y)*100.
Also review the rules for Binary Arithmetic Results in Teradata SQL Reference V5. And remember that tools such as Queryman/SQL Assistant do
their own formatting of binary numeric results - if you want Teradata to do the formatting and you're not using BTEQ in Record Mode, you have to
cast the result to [VAR]CHAR.