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Message Posted: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 @ 13:11:41 GMT
Subj: | | WEBFOCUS Queries and log information |
From: | | Richard_Ringlesbach |
We have a WEBFOCUS server that is passing the Teradata a query using the following WEBFOCUS syntax :"JOIN tablename.emp_No IN tablename TO ALL
personel.job_no IN personel AS J0. The result is an almost instantaneous initiating of 10,000 to 60,000+ queries. We are looking for a way to
obtain the network identification of the workstation or user that is initiating the WEBFOCUS queries.
Does anyone know if WEBFOCUS keeps a log file of this information, if so where is and how can it be accessed? Or is there a way to force the
WEBFOCUS ODBC connection to 'default' and pass the workstation id of the person initiating the query?
Any help would be appreciated ..thanks