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Message Posted: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 @ 22:31:03 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Spool Space issues |
From: | | ulrich arndt |
my understanding of the spool space implementation is that you define spool space on system level - lets say 100GB in total. Than you define
spool space on user level - give 10 GB for each user in our example. Lets say you have 100 user. If all run queries durring the same time they
can not get all 10 GB spools space. If everybody would get the same amount everybody would only get 1 GB.
Could this be the case in your system? It would fit that a query would run succesfully at one time and is "reasonable" fast if not so many user
are active. If many user are active in the system the same query breaks with no more spool space after a long time.