Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 @ 07:43:13 GMT
Subj: | | OLE DB Access Module: Invalid pmHandle parameter |
From: | | Danae Mead |
Does any one use the OLE DB Access Module? We have been using this for a few years now with out any major problems. We received a new
computer that runs our batch jobs and since that time we can not run the batch jobs for OLE DB. The funny thing is we can run each of the scripts
from the command prompt with out any issues but when they are batched together we get the following error.
Any suggestions?
0008 BEGIN LOADING "AppDetails"
ERRORFILES AppDetails_errors1, AppDetails_errors2
**** 20:47:28 Indicator mode is set to ON
**** 20:47:52 Number of AMPs available: 10
0009 AXSMOD Oledb_Axsmod "noprompt";
**** 20:47:52 I/O Error on Open: 3, Text: Requested Access Module not
**** 20:47:52 Error: Invalid pmHandle parameter
- Logoff/Disconnect
**** 20:47:52 Logging off all sessions
**** 20:47:55 Total processor time used = '0.130187 Seconds'
. Start : Sun Jan 04 20:45:56 2004
. End : Sun Jan 04 20:47:55 2004
. Highest return code encountered = '12'.
**** 20:47:55 FastLoad Paused