Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 @ 14:53:18 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Netezza vs Teradata |
From: | | McBride, Michael |
Doesn't it make sense that what Netezza has done is revert to Teradata's (not NCR's) original concept, that is to have a "database
machine" (remember the DBC 1012), using hardware (embedded software) to perform the low level task of managing data, rather than software
(traditional RDBMS). They are going back to a great idea, and building upon new technology (faster, smarter cpus's, bus speeds, memory
speeds, bigger faster disks, disk controllers, the whole hardware "inside" the box has advanced so far over the past 20 years or so since
Teradata first introduced AMPs and the Ynet.
When NCR (after acquiring Teradata) decided to migrate from a "closed" proprietary architecture, to more "open" software solution along
the lines of DB2 and Oracle (software RDBMS on top of server technology) they effectively limited performance to the execution speed of
software "code".
I know I'm probably stating the obvious, but it appears that Netezza is just following the logical path Teradata would have, had not
someone decided to make the Teradata RDBMS a UNIX system software program rather than advancing and enhancing the AMP/COP/PE
hardware/circuit board concept. Considering how fast hardware has advanced in just the last five years, this approach is like a reverse
paradigm shift (going back to a great, original idea). I say this only because I perceive that the execution ability of hardware/firmware
(embedded software) will perform much "faster" than executing compiled "c"code running on Unix or even Windows for that matter.
I'm certainly not a hardware expert, although I did start out on am 8 amp DBC 1012 in 1989, I know that even the first optimizer for
Teradata was a program running under TOS (Teradata Operating System). But at the lower levels, actual data manipulation was more a hardware
function than a software one (and the proprietary "intelligent" ynet (embedded software). If there is an original Teradaton out there
(prior to the NCR acquisition), I would be interested in getting your thoughts? Am I way out of whack here, or am I somewhat close to the
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