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Message Posted: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 @ 16:51:07 GMT

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Subj:   References in WINDDI
From:   Frank C. Martinez IV

Hello all,

Well, I was noticing that when I brought up the object menu in WINDDI on a table/view/etc., the REFERENCES option appeared for myself. However, other dba-type users did not have this appear on the object (uh, when you right click on the table, the menu that comes up) menus' that they had. Well, I tracked this down, going back to some original thoughts, and when the dba before me set me up, he gave me SELECT access to the TVM table in DBC. That's the key to having REFERENCES appear. This particular function is very useful for asking the question, "If I change this table, what views, macros, procedures might need to change?" So what I was wondering if anyone out there is aware of any awful information, any dangerous information might be available to by being able to read TVM? Also, why is there no DBC view that would give this information, so I could grant access to that, just like I do for people who want to run HELP/SHOW, etc. Yes, I COULD create one of my own, but I make it a habit not to roll my own DBC views, unless I have to. So did someone leave this out or what? Thanks!


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