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Message Posted: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 @ 20:42:49 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Comparing RESNode and BEZ Reports |
From: | | David Wellman |
You'll probably want to break down the figures on a per Node basis. If you've got different speed CPU's on various Nodes then the number
of cpu cycles available per Node in any given time period will be different.
Also check the definition of "cpu utilization" used in both ResNode and BEZ. The ResNode figures are "percentage of times that a cpu was
in a particular state", the break down is into 4 figures (same as Unix/sar), namely System, User, Wait IO and Idle. ResNode uses CPUBusy =
System + User, I don't know what BEZ does.
The other way is to take a particular Node for a particular Resusage logging interval (10 minutes or whatever) and compare the ResNode
figures (or the underlying Resusage data) to those from BEZ. Get right down to the detailed break down by each category and see where the
differences are.
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