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Message Posted: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 @ 08:14:10 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Performance issue |
From: | | Doorey, Andrew ST |
2. If the same report run by more than one user(say 5 users) then the excecution time goes up.
Check the manuals and support site about report caching in Microstrategy. If the report and all objects within the report haven't been
updated and the users are all using the same database connection, database login and security filter then Microstrategy should only execute
the SQL against the warehouse once. This also happens even if the first run of the report hasn't finished yet - other users runs will use
the data from the first run.
You can trigger your most used reports to run outside of business hours so that the cache is available when your users start work and
reduce the load on teradata during the day, which could help.
Also Microstrategy is configured to use a maximum number of database connections. If, for example, you have this set to 2 and five users
try to run different reports Microstrategy will only run 2 at a time and the others will be queued. This may or may not be what you want,
depending on your business.