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Message Posted: Sun, 15 Sep 2002 @ 12:51:35 GMT
Subj: | | Re: An SQL PrettyPrinter??? |
From: | | Raghav Vaidya |
I used inTERAgate regularly at an earlier client. It's ease amazed me. Especially, if you are trying to create a file with multiple
ddls, Queryman will open multiple answer windows and it is up to you to consolidate the ddls into one file while inTERAgate does that in a
single window. I always fond that to be useful when migrating ddl, say from Test to Production.
I wonder what level of inTERAgate is "in" right now that has color coding. How does the color coding work and how can that be used to
"assist me in reading through such SQL in order to find out exactly why it's eating the machine."