Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 @ 20:05:03 GMT
Subj: | | Long Term Data Archival from Teradata |
From: | | Anomy Anom |
<-- Anonymously Posted: Thursday, September 12, 2002 15:44 -->
Just curious how folks handle the long term storage of data that rolls off your warehouse. We are currently Fastexporting data to tape
in our MVS environment. We are looking at moving to one of the Open Teradata Backup platforms, but archival, purge and long term tape
storage don't seem to be the function of these products. Is it still best to use fastexport and multiload delete on the mainframe? If we
move the fastexport and multiload to an open platform, then the tape storage requires more manual intervention. One other option is to
insert/select to temporary tables and Arcmain the data to be purged, but it then becomes less portable and I'm concerned about backward
compatibility of Arcmain of different versions.
Any one want to share how they approach this subject?
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