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Message Posted: Mon, 26 Jun 2001 @ 20:09:35 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Macros Restored using ARCMAIN copy |
From: | | Thomas F. Stanek |
I failry confident that the problem you are having is that the user id that was used to execute the macro (EXEC CORPVMDR.KDCT11P3 in your
message, has a default database defined as CORPVMP1. Even though you fully qualified the execution, the unqualified views, tables and other
references will defer to the default database of the user id. I would guess that if, prior to the macro execution, you executed a .DATABASE
CORPVMDR, the macro would reference the views you expect.
However, to Geoffrey's point, you still need to make sure that the CORPVMDR database has correct accessrights granted.
Thomas F. Stanek
TFS Consulting
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