Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 @ 13:39:55 GMT
Subj: | | Re: SHOW MACRO Limitations |
From: | | John Hall |
Yes, there is a limitation to how much of a macro (or view) will be shown - Yves is right about the underlying cause. It's a pain, isn't
it? When I've been faced with this in the past, I've bought some benefit by removing things like leading blanks and using aliases as much
as I can.
With V2R3, the definition for CREATETEXT has changed from VARCHAR(20480) to VARCHAR(26000) - this should help somewhat.
You are correct about the fact that a HELP DATABASE DBC does not show the full contents of database DBC. I don't think that any of the
system tables are shown - just the VIEWs and MACROs. However, if you logon as DBC and do the HELP DATABASE DBC, then you'll see everything.
I believe that it has always worked this way. I've never heard a reason for why it was implemented like this. I suspect that the intention
is to force people to use the system VIEWs instead of the tables (after all, only the VIEWs are covered in the Data Dictionary manual).