Archives of the TeradataForumMessage Posted: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 @ 13:57:04 GMT
I stumbled across a suggested use of a Function, such that you can compare Tables between two different Teradata systems, by making use of a Function and then using the TABLE Function : CREATE FUNCTION rdg.tdat (rowc INTEGER, InLineNum INTEGER, logonstr VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET LATIN, sqlRqst VARCHAR(512) CHARACTER SET LATIN) RETURNS TABLE ( ampId INTEGER, cnt INTEGER, OutLineNum INTEGER, str1 VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET LATIN, . . . str20 VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET LATIN) SPECIFIC tdat LANGUAGE C NO SQL PARAMETER STYLE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC CALLED ON NULL INPUT EXTERNAL NAME 'SS:tdat:/home/rdg/tdat/Tdat.c:SL:cliv2'; In the example, dbc.Tables were being compared : SELECT 'Local System' AS system, databasename, tablename, version, tablekind, protectionType, JournalFlag, CreatorName, requesttext(VARCHAR(100)) FROM DBC.tables UNION SELECT 'Remote System', str1 (CHAR(30)), str2 (CHAR(30)), str3 (INTEGER), str4 (CHAR(1)), str5 (CHAR(1)), str6 (CHAR(2)), str7 (CHAR(30)), str8 (VARCHAR(100)) FROM table(rdg.tdat(2,1,'adw1/rdg,rdg', 'SELECT databasename, tablename, version, tablekind, protectionType, JournalFlag, CreatorName, requesttext(VARCHAR(100)) FROM DBC.tables')) T; However, do you think this sort of Function could be used in order to do an Insert/Select between two different Terdata Systems ? If so then, assuming it from taking data from the Prod system down to the Test system, where would the resource be taken up - in the production machine or the test machine ? Or both possibly ? Also, is it a BAD idea, even in principle ? Regards David Clough
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