Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 @ 23:14:15 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Users access not getting revoked! |
From: | | Pluebell, Fred |
Query DBC.AllRightsV to see what unwanted rights are still granted to whom. Once you know exactly which rights to revoke, there should be no
problem doing so as user DBC.
Check if perhaps the rights were granted to "PUBLIC" (all users) instead of or in addition to individual users; also see if rights were perhaps
granted both at individual object level and at database level (tablename "All").
You may also want to double check DBC.RoleMembersV to verify which roles are assigned, and DBC.AllRoleRightsV to see what access rights are
conveyed by each role.