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Message Posted: Tue, 29 May 2012 @ 16:24:45 GMT

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Subj:   SQL Assistant history file questions
From:   DUELL, BOB


I have a couple SQL Assistant questions with respect to the history file.

First a little background. I "support" a group of about 100 people that all use SQL Assistant. I put that in quotes because my support to them is not official. We are all end-users and I just try to collect useful tips to share among ourselves.

We are all using SQL Assistant 13.10.05, some on WinXP and others on Win7. Some of us (including myself) have upgraded SQLA from previous versions (like TTU 8.2); others have completely "fresh" installs, including some who had previous installs but were migrated from WinXP to Win7 and others who never previously had SQLA. In other words, quite a mix.

So my questions:

1. Is there only one "history" file? If so, what is the file name? On my PC, I have a file named "SQLHistory.mdb" that seems to be the correct one, but I also have a file named "queryman.mdb". I'm guessing that is the history file from the previous version; can it be deleted?

2. When SQLA starts up, a message is displayed that says something about "converting" a database. Some of our users report that this process takes a long time. Assuming the above is correct and this is "converting" the old "queryman.mdb" file into the new "SQLHistory.mdb" file, will deleting the old file eliminate this conversion step?

3. Although the SQLA documentation says the default history file location is "\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Teradata\SQL Assistant", on my PC it is "\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\NCR\Queryman". Again, I'm guessing this is an artifact of my previous SQLA install. Would it be prudent to move the history file to the "default" location (changing the path in the "options" window of course).

Thanks very much,


PS - BTW, please don't bother suggesting that we upgrade to a newer version of SQLA. We are "trapped" in a controlled software distribution environment and this is the only version we have access to. Of course, it would be nice if we users could get updated more frequently, but I don't think that's gonna happen.

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