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Message Posted: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 @ 17:44:45 GMT
Subj: | | SI and load utilities |
From: | | Faible Mou |
I just want to know the reason why load utilities ( FastLoad / MultiLoad) do not allow the use of Secondary Indexes to enforce uniqueness (true
at least until R2V5).
If my table has a NUPI but a USI, enclosed list is what will happen when USI is not honored by load utilities. Thus I want to know the reason
behind the restriction -- no need for a thesis, but simple explanation would be enough for me.
Number of Rows
Row Number that must be Cumulative Number
to be inserted logically read first of logical row reads
1 0 0
2 1 1
3 2 3
4 3 6
5 4 10
6 5 15
7 6 21
8 7 28
9 8 36
10 9 45
20 19 190
50 49 1225
100 99 4950
200 199 19900
500 499 124750
1000 999 499500