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Message Posted: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 @ 17:37:17 GMT
Subj: | | Re: RANK Function query |
From: | | Curley, David |
You can do it by adding a 1/0 flag to each row that starts a new rank then sum the flags over unbounded preceding to current row:
sum(is_new_rank) over (order by raw_rank, calendar_date rows
between unbounded preceding and current row) dense_rank
from (select
case when raw_rank = max(raw_rank) over (order by raw_rank,
calendar_date rows
between 1 preceding and 1 preceding)
then 0
else 1
end is_new_rank
from (select calendar_date, day_of_week,
rank() over (order by day_of_week) raw_rank
from sys_calendar.calendar
where calendar_date between 1100101 and 1101231) lvl1
) lvl2
If you don't need the original rank() results, you can get rid of it entirely:
sum(is_new_rank) over (order by day_of_week, calendar_date rows
between unbounded preceding and current row) dense_rank
from (select
case when day_of_week = max(day_of_week) over (order by
day_of_week, calendar_date rows
between 1 preceding and 1 preceding)
then 0
else 1
end is_new_rank
from sys_calendar.calendar
where calendar_date between 1100101 and 1101231
) lvl1
Note that you might need to play around a bit if you're also ranking over nulls - I haven't thought through that part.
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