from table1, table2" or the "update table1 from table2" structure. But yes, thanks for catching that typo in the SET clause." />
Archives of the TeradataForumMessage Posted: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 @ 12:57:25 GMT
Hi all, Table1 = rpt_member Table2 = rpt_update_temp The query returns the same results whether I use the "update <alias> from table1, table2" or the "update table1 from table2" structure. But yes, thanks for catching that typo in the SET clause. The rpt_member_id field is the PI and is defined as not null on both tables. But just to be safe, I verified that the counts for both queries below return 0. Table def for RPT_MEMBER: CREATE SET TABLE rpt_member ,NO FALLBACK , NO BEFORE JOURNAL, NO AFTER JOURNAL, CHECKSUM = DEFAULT ( RPT_MEMBER_ID DECIMAL(12,0) NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE -999999999999 MAXVALUE 999999999999 NO CYCLE), .... CONSUMER_COUNT INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CREATE_TMS TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL, CREATE_USER_ID VARCHAR(10) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL, UPDATE_TMS TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL, UPDATE_USER_ID VARCHAR(10) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL) PRIMARY INDEX ( RPT_MEMBER_ID ); Table def for RPT_UPDATE_TEMP CREATE SET TABLE rpt_member ,NO FALLBACK , NO BEFORE JOURNAL, NO AFTER JOURNAL, CHECKSUM = DEFAULT ( RPT_MEMBER_ID DECIMAL(12,0) NOT NULL , CONSUMER_COUNT INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0) PRIMARY INDEX ( RPT_MEMBER_ID ); I pulled back records from rpt_member where the rpt_member_id was not in rpt_update_temp: SELECT rpt_member_id FROM rpt_member WHERE rpt_member_id NOT IN (SELECT rpt_member_id FROM rpt_update_temp GROUP BY 1) AND CONSUMER_COUNT>0 GROUP BY 1 -- The CONSUMER_COUNT > 0 is meant to eliminate rows in rpt_member that I -- know will not have a corresponding rpt_update_temp record. But every rpt_member_id resulting from this query has shown to be in rpt_update_temp when I query table2 for the table1_id directly. I sampled the first few rpt_member_ids, but can see that they are present in the rpt_update_temp table e.g. select * from rpt_update_temp where rpt_member_id in (326, 387, 427, 448, 469, 488, 509);
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