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Archives of the TeradataForumMessage Posted: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 @ 13:22:16 GMT
Good afternoon Gentlemen, I'm trying to use such a query, which has been found here. This one can't show FreqUse column properly, it inserts only 0 to all the FreqUse fields. Is this bug or feature? :-) Cheers, Roman SELECT IND.DatabaseName, IND.TableName, IND.Current_Perm, IND.Name, COALESCE (obj.TheCount,0) AS FreqUse, obj.mx_date, IND.ColumnName, IND.IndexNumber, CASE when IND.IndexType = 'P' then 'NonpartitionedPrimary' when IND.IndexType = 'Q' then 'Partitioned Primary' when IND.IndexType = 'S' then 'Secondary' when IND.IndexType = 'J' then 'join index' when IND.IndexType = 'N' then 'hash index' when IND.IndexType = 'K' then 'primary key' when IND.IndexType = 'U' then 'unique constraint' when IND.IndexType = 'V' then 'value ordered secondary' when IND.IndexType = 'H' then 'hash ordered ALL covering secondary' when IND.IndexType = 'O' then 'valued ordered ALL covering secondary' when IND.IndexType = 'I' then 'ordering column of a composite secondary index' when IND.IndexType = 'M' then 'Multi-column statistics' when IND.IndexType = 'D' then 'Derived column partition statistics' ELSE NULL END AS IndType, IND.IndexType TypeAbr FROM ( SELECT d.databasename AS DatabaseName, t.tvmname AS TableName, i.IndexNumber as IndexNumber, Z.Current_Perm, /** Concat up to 16 columnnames into a comma delimited list **/ MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 1 THEN TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE ''END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 2 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 3 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 4 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 5 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 6 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 7 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 8 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 9 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 10 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 11 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 12 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 13 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 14 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 15 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition = 16 THEN ',' || TRIM(c.FieldName) ELSE '' END) || MAX(CASE WHEN i.FieldPosition > 16 THEN ',...' ELSE '' END) AS ColumnName, i.IndexType, i.Name FROM dbc.dbase d JOIN dbc.tvm t ON d.databaseid = t.databaseid JOIN dbc.tvfields c ON t.tvmid = c.tableid JOIN dbc.Indexes i ON c.tableid = i.tableid AND c.fieldid = i.fieldid JOIN ( SELECT DATABASENAME, TABLENAME , SUM(CURRENTPERM) AS CURRENT_PERM FROM dbc.tablesize /* WHERE databasename = */ GROUP BY 1,2 ) z ON d.databasename = z.databasename and t.tvmname = z.tablename Where i.IndexType in ('S','V','H','O','P','Q') /* and d.databasename =*/ GROUP BY d.DatabaseName, t.tvmname, i.IndexNumber, Z.CURRENT_PERM, i.IndexType, i.Name ) IND LEFT OUTER JOIN ( Select ObjectDatabasename , ObjectTablename , ObjectNum , sum(FreqofUSe) , Count(*) , MAX((COLLECTTimestamp (Date))) AS MX_DATE from dbc.dbqlobjtbl Where ObjectType = 'I' Group By 1,2,3 ) obj (Databasename, Tablename, ObjectNum, FreqCount, TheCount, MX_Date) on ind.Databasename = obj.Databasename and ind.Tablename = obj.Tablename and ind.IndexNumber = obj.ObjectNum WHERE ind.Databasename in ( SELECT databasename FROM dbc.databases ) and current_perm / (2**30) > 1 Group By 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Order By IND.Current_Perm DESC, FreqUse Desc;
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