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Message Posted: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 @ 16:47:27 GMT
Subj: | | Code examples for doing collect statistics in a |
From: | | Bill Grenwelge |
I know that a few of you guys have written some stored procedures to collect statistics.
I was wondering if you could share some of those examples. I am currently looking for a way to allow our end users to collect statistics on
tables they create using a tool where the tool's userid is the owner of the table. We can't give them the drop table access and since every time
they use the tool it creates a new table it can't be hard coded to use a specific table. If someone has something like this already and could
share that so I can at least figure out how to construct my own that would be great. I really don't want to have to try and re-invent the wheel
if I can make use of things that you guys have already figured out. Not to mention, other than a very simple stored procedure I have never
written or used stored procedures before.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
Bill Grenwelge