Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 @ 10:44:34 GMT
Subj: | | Re: How to connect to SQL Server Database through Bteq |
From: | | Bob Hahn |
In the early days many/most customers were mainframe customers with DB2. We tried to provide a degree of IBM compatability--mainframe in
general and DB2 in particular to integrate more easily into the infrastructure.
PreProcessor2 was very similar to DB2 Embedded SQL Preprocessor--enabling customers to leverage their skills/training and even existing code to
develop applications against Teradata. TS/API enabled leveraging QMF, SAS, Natural, and REXX DB2 interfaces. There is also support for CICS and
IMS among other more general mainframe integration capabilities.
ITEQ is full screen on a 3270--enabling paging right and left and up and down over the results as contrasted with line mode BTEQ where the
output lines wrap/truncate and the pages roll off the screen. There is also an editing area for the query to avoid retyping. (I wrote the 3270
screen handling code). We prototyped but never released something like SPUFI which would start with edit on the query then put you into spf
browse on the resultset.