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Message Posted: Thu, 11 May 2006 @ 14:52:27 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Multiset and set with unique primary index |
From: | | Fred W Pluebell |
Note that SET tables don't "reject" duplicate rows, they just don't store them. That subtle distinction means there is a difference between SET
and MULTISET behavior even when you have a UNIQUE index:
/* Create two one-row tables, identical except for SET or MULTISET */
create set table upi_set (TheKey integer, TheRest char(10))
unique primary index(TheKey);
create multiset table upi_multiset (TheKey integer, TheRest char(10))
unique primary index (TheKey);
insert into upi_set values (1,'Same');
insert into upi_multiset values (1,'Same');
/* For MULTISET table, duplicate key always causes an error */
insert into upi_multiset select * from upi_set;
*** Failure 2801 Duplicate unique prime key error in yyy.upi_multiset.
/* But for SET table entirely duplicate ROWS are ignored and do not
cause an error */
insert into upi_set select * from upi_multiset;
*** Insert completed. No rows added.
/* If index values are duplicate but the rest of the row isn't,
you do get an error even with SET table */
update upi_set set TheRest='Different' where TheKey=1;
*** Update completed. One row changed.
insert into upi_set select * from upi_multiset;
*** Failure 2801 Duplicate unique prime key error in yyy.upi_set.
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