Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 @ 20:31:06 GMT
Subj: | | Re: PPI Range Maintance |
From: | | Anomy Anom |
<-- Anonymously Posted: Friday, March 24, 2006 15:32 -->
| Fachtna O'Donovan's original questions: | |
| 1) Are one off scripts written to extend the range of the PPI? | |
Here is an example of script set up to run monthly at the first day of the month to extend one month.
.os cat /dev/null > $OUT/extend_ppi.btq
.export file=$OUT/extend_ppi.btq
sel 'alter table '||trim(databasename)||'.'||trim(tablename)||
' modify primary index add range between '||''''||
((date - extract(day from date)+1) (format 'yyyy-mm-dd'))||''''||
' and '||''''||((add_months(date,1)-
extract(day from add_months(date,1))) (format 'yyyy-mm-dd'))||
''''||' each interval ''1'' day ; ' (title '')
from dbc.indices i
where indextype='q'
and exists
(select 1
from test1.idw_production_tables
where databasename=i.databasename
and tablename=i.tablename)
and tablename not like '%mthly%'
and trim(tablename) not like 'pas%'
group by databasename, tablename
union all
sel 'alter table '||trim(databasename)||'.'||trim(tablename)||
' modify primary index add range between '||''''||
((date - extract(day from date)+1) (format 'yyyy-mm-dd'))||''''||
' and '||''''||((add_months(date,1)-
extract(day from add_months(date,1))) (format 'yyyy-mm-dd'))||
''''||' each interval ''1'' month ; ' (title '')
from dbc.indices i
where indextype='q'
and exists
(select 1
from test1.idw_production_tables
where databasename=i.databasename
and tablename=i.tablename)
and not exists
(select 1
from dbc.columns
where columnname='mnth_end_yyyymm'
and databasename=i.databasename
and tablename=i.tablename)
group by databasename, tablename
union all
sel 'alter table '||trim(databasename)||'.'||trim(tablename)||
' modify primary index add range between '||''''||
cast(cast(trim(extract(year from date))
as date format 'yyyy') as format 'yyyymm')||''''||
' and '||''''||cast((cast(trim(extract(year from add_months(date,12)))
as date format 'yyyy')-1) as format 'yyyymm')||
''''||' each 1 ; ' (title '')
from dbc.indices i
where indextype='q'
and exists
(select 1
from dbc.columns
where columnname='mnth_end_yyyymm'
and databasename=i.databasename
and tablename=i.tablename)
group by databasename, tablename
order by 1
.if errorcode <> 0 then .exit errorcode
.export reset
.run file=$OUT/extend_ppi.btq
| 2) Do people drop and re-create the table with the new range and insert all the old data into the table? | |
Some people do since it is safer than deleting data from table sometimes. Alter table allow you to drop or add specified range of partition
with delete so you don't need to drop or add using new table. You can only perform such task for both end of defined PPI partition range
| 3) Do you run batch scripts to automatically update the range of the PPI of a table one a month/quarter/year? | |
We have script to perform monthly since that would satisfy our need. Your need should dictate your frequency and whether manually perform
would be more feasible.
I would imaging that it's probably a good idea to collect stats on the PPI index again after maintaining the PPI.
It is recommended that you keep your stats fresh on whatever column you need for joining so it might be to your benefit to refresh stats
whenever data change more than 10% (from prior to V2R4 experience).
| What are your experiences? | |
The PPI is truely small table performance for large table if used correctly. UPI is only possible if PPI is part of the columns that make up
for UPI. Most of the do and don't are well documented in SQL reference manual. NCR/TERADATA had white paper on this topic in
TERADATA@yourservice so look it up. I am sure your support person can provide more details if you asked them or participate in user group sponsor
by NCR/TERADAT should give you the latest and greatest.
Hope this is what you are looking for and best wish.