Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 @ 21:20:29 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Guidelines for using Distinct vs. group by |
From: | | Dieter Noeth |
David A Hough wrote:
| * Does the SQL standard call for a DISTINCT in the subquery, or is it left to the implementers? | |
SQL Standard usually tells about expected results, but not how to achieve it.
| * Is the DISTINCT versus GROUP BY implementation difference on the Teradata unique to this platform (perhaps because the data is
partitioned on many nodes)? | |
AFAIK most DBMSes show the same plan for both versions...
| * Does anyone have benchmark results for DISTINCT versus GROUP BY performance on the Teradata for different result set
percentages? | |
Table populated with random values (10,000,000 rows, 4 AMPs),
CPU Time from DBQL:
Distinct CPU Time CPU Time
Values Distinct Group By
6320690 94,59 207,59
999949 90,61 133,17
100000 81,83 66,56
10000 77,47 16,00
1000 74,08 13,47
100 69,30 12,81
10 52,50 12,44
1 45,94 11,45
10000 38,92 11,52
The last result is for NUPI-columns
I would be glad to see results for other (large) systems :-)
create multiset table distinct_test
(x1 int,
x10 int,
x100 int,
x1000 int,
x10000 int,
x100000 int,
x100000nupi int,
x1000000 int,
x10000000 int
) primary index (x100000nupi)
insert into distinct_test
r / 100000,
r / 10000,
r / 1000,
r / 100,
r / 10,
random(0,1000000) as r,
(select 1 as x from sys_calendar.calendar
sample with replacement 10000000) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel distinct x10000000 from distinct_test) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel x10000000 from distinct_test group by 1) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel distinct x1000000 from distinct_test) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel x1000000 from distinct_test group by 1) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel distinct x100000 from distinct_test) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel x100000 from distinct_test group by 1) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel distinct x10000 from distinct_test) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel x10000 from distinct_test group by 1) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel distinct x1000 from distinct_test) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel x1000 from distinct_test group by 1) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel distinct x100 from distinct_test) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel x100 from distinct_test group by 1) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel distinct x10 from distinct_test) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel x10 from distinct_test group by 1) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel distinct x1 from distinct_test) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel x1 from distinct_test group by 1) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel distinct x100000nupi from distinct_test) dt;
sel count(*) from (sel x100000nupi from distinct_test group by 1) dt;
| |