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Message Posted: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 @ 08:28:26 GMT
Subj: | | ROWID Issue V2R4 Vs V2R5 |
From: | | Jebaseelan_S |
Hi I am getting this error while running the macro which has the statemnet as follows
((EXTRACT ( DAY FROM ((tcd.end_time - tcd.start_time) DAY (4) TO SECOND) ) * 24 +
EXTRACT ( HOUR FROM ((tcd.end_time - tcd.start_time) DAY (4) TO SECOND) )) * 60 +
EXTRACT ( MINUTE FROM ((tcd.end_time - tcd.start_time) DAY (4) TO SECOND ) )) * 60 +
EXTRACT ( SECOND FROM ((tcd.end_time - tcd.start_time) DAY (4) TO SECOND ) ) as duration,
code 3706 Syntax error: ROWID not allowed.
In RELEASE V2R. , VERSION it runs fine , But in RELEASE V2R. VERSION I am getting the
Error Code 3706 Syntax error: ROWID not allowed.
Could anybody advise on this or suggest an alternative syntax for this function to work on RELEASE V2R. ..
Thanks & Regards
Jebaseelan Selvadurai