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Message Posted: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 @ 16:15:16 GMT
Subj: | | Strange column names from macro |
From: | | Di Trani, Charles |
I get the expected results from a macro run in queryman. Running the same macro from BusinessObjects free-hand SQL gives the same number of
rows, but adds columns (named Column 1...Column 28) which contain the data. The columns named in the SELECT statement of the macro
pr.prdct_fmly_name AS "Product Family"
,pr.prdct_parent_name AS "Product Parent"
,wsocs.prdct_name AS "Product Name"
appear as column headings, but have no data; the extra columns are listed after the expected ones. The macro INSERTs into a global temp
table, then SELECTs from the global temp table, using it to pre-join other derived tables (I didn't post the macro as it is 4 pages long).
Teradata v2r5.1, BO 6.5.1. Can anyone help explain these results?
Charles Di Trani
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