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Message Posted: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 @ 13:23:06 GMT

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Subj:   Automating packdisk
From:   Dan Narva

Thanks to past threads in this forum I have learned how to automate ferret's packdisk operation as a means of avoiding mini-cylpacks when disk space is tight. I already have a script set up to do it using ferret's "script mode", but the fact that it is not abortable is a potential drawback. So what I'm trying now is something like this:

/usr/ntos/bin/cnsrun -utility ferret -commands "{date} {showspace}
{packdisk} {y}" -debug 1 > /packdisk.out 2>&1 &

This operation uses database window 1 all the time, as far as I can tell.

Advantage: if for any reason we need to abort the packdisk, we can do so by manually going into DBW 1 via "cnsterm 1".


- additional commands after the packdisk starts are ignored;

- trying to run another script later fails with an error message saying that "ferret is already active in window 1";

- the only way subsequent packdisk script executions will work is if I manually close window 1 after the operation is done.


1. Is there a way around this? I'd really like to close window 1 using some automated means. That way we would have the best of both worlds - fully automated AND abortable.

2. What do the rest of you do who run automated packdisks? Is it a big deal that they are not abortable in script mode?

Most times it hasn't even been an issue at all, it only surfaces later in the life cycle of our systems. But when it does, it can be inconvenient to regularly go in and do these manually once or more per week.


Dan Narva

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