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Message Posted: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 @ 20:53:15 GMT
Subj: | | Invisible Login Error |
From: | | Anomy Anom |
<-- Anonymously Posted: Friday, April 02, 2004 15:21 -->
I have an error that I hope others have experienced this error. We just migrated to V2R5.1 and have been running for a couple of weeks. I am
running a Multiload process (Multiload Utility Release MLOD. and even though it is successful logging on to the database as
evidenced by the log:
.logon emxx/ixx,;
**** 12:32:33 UTY8400 Default character set: ASCII
**** 12:32:33 UTY8400 Maximum supported buffer size: 64K
**** 12:32:35 UTY6211 A successful connect was made to the RDBMS.
I am getting an event "Logon Failed" in DBC.LogOnOff for some of the sessions at that time.
For example:
Log Date Log Time Event IFPNo Session# Logon Date Logon Time Logon Source
---------- -------- ------------ ----- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------------
2004-04-02 12:32:41 Logon failed 16381 51277
2004-04-02 12:32:41 (TCP/IP) 0A12 EMXX 8168 DEV_IXX MLOAD 01 LSS
2004-04-02 12:32:41 Logon failed 16377 51281
2004-04-02 12:32:41 (TCP/IP) 0A16 EMXX 8168 DEV_IXX MLOAD 01 LSS
Anyone encounter this situation or know the root cause? a solution? Any help is greatly appreciated.