Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 @ 20:11:01 GMT
Subj: | | BTEQ Import, Variable Substitution Error |
From: | | Capone, Margaret |
We are running BTEQ from a Windows 2000 server and are trying to pass an environmental variable(the database name) into Teradata from a import
file. The import file only contains the database name(no quotes, no line numbers). We are running the following script. Does anyone know what
might cause this syntax error?
Thanks, MC
BTEQ Thu Feb 05 13:59:59 2004
LOGON tdtest/infooperot,
*** Logon successfully completed.
*** Transaction Semantics are BTET.
*** Character Set Name is 'ASCII'.
*** Total elapsed time was 2 seconds.
.set errorout stdout
*** Error messages now directed to STDOUT.
.IMPORT vartext file='K:\Informatica\sesslogs\dbfil.txt';
using dbname (varchar(8))
database :dbname;
database :dbname;
*** Failure 3707 Syntax error, expected something like a name between the 'database' keyword and ':'.
Statement# 1, Info =39
*** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
select count(*) from gst_ivc_ln_it;
*** Failure 3807 Table/view/trigger/procedure 'gst_ivc_ln_it' does not exist.
Statement# 1, Info =0
*** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
*** You are now logged off from the DBC.
*** Exiting BTEQ...
*** RC (return code) = 8
| |