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Message Posted: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 @ 14:50:14 GMT

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Subj:   Re: Explanation of Allness Flag?
From:   Geoffrey Rommel

  Could someone explain the allness flag to me in a comprehensive fashion?  

Well, I'll try. Consider these statements:

(1) create user bonnie from group_of_users ...;

(2a) grant select on big_freakin_database to group_of_users;

(2b) grant select on big_freakin_database to ALL group_of_users;

(3) create user clyde from group_of_users ...;

2a and 2b will each create one or more rows in AccessRights. At the least, there will be a row for user group_of_users, database big_freakin_database, accessright 'R'. In case 2a, the AllnessFlag in that row will be 'N'; in case 2b, 'Y'. If 2a is used, only the user group_of_users itself will have select access on the database. If 2b is used, this happens:

After (1): bonnie does not have access to big_freakin_database

After (2b): bonnie and all other users under group_of_users have access

After (3): clyde is automatically granted access too because AllnessFlag ='Y'

I'm not sure what is happening in the case you described, but access to a particular database by a particular user is determined by whether there is a row in AccessRights, not by whether that row has the AllnessFlag turned on. If users are losing access they used to have, rows must have been deleted. Also, it is not possible to change the flag from 'Y' to 'N': for instance, issuing 2b after 2a would turn on the AllnessFlag, but issuing 2a after 2b would have no effect (because group_of_users already has access).

Does this help?

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