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Message Posted: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 @ 20:21:53 GMT
Subj: | | Informatica and Altered MLoad Control File Considerations |
From: | | Duane Angle |
I'm under the impression that it is somewhat common for those using Informatica and MLOAD together to "customize and lock" the control
file because of the limited options that Informatica makes available within the MLOAD control file.
We've been in discussions with Informatica regarding why they do not support the TABLEWAIT option as a standard when using MLOAD as an
external loader. They feel that the TABLEWAIT option presents several potential problems since Informatica will kick off the MLOAD process
before all of the data is loaded to the "out" file if there is enough data to fill up the "memory buffer" that it allocates for the process.
This can cause problems because source tables can be locked and Informatica processes can hang while waiting for the target table to become
available for loading.
We'd like to begin using "altered" control files for Informatica MLOADS and would assign value TENACITY and TABLEWAIT among other
options. Has anyone experienced any ramifications while utilizing this option or created "buffer" issues while loading large volumes of data
and getting into a "wait" situation?
Any input on this subject would be greatly appreciated.