Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 @ 20:16:57 GMT
Subj: | | TeraBuilder - Important! |
From: | | Sam Sterling |
I'd like to write an article for the next Teradata Magazine on TeraBuilder. It'd be a follow up of a pre-release article I did a few
years ago on Parallel ETL.
I've asked a couple of times if anyone has any experience with it, and have gotten NO feedback. Either this means that nobody is using
it (not a good thing), or, worse, that some have evaluated it and found it lacking. I've even asked a few of my internal Teradata contacts,
and they don't know who's using it.
So, I'm asking again if anyone has any feedback on TeraBuilder. If I don't get any, I'll have to use my own experiences with it, or
scrap the article idea for now. What do you think? You can reply off list, if you'd like some (or complete) anonymity.
Sam Sterling,
Tera-fied Master
Baseline Consulting
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