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Message Posted: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 @ 23:16:21 GMT
Subj: | | What is the Difference Between Blocking and Deadlock? |
From: | | Anomy Anom |
<-- Anonymously Posted: Thursday, February 20, 2003 17:49 -->
Can someone explain the difference between transactions that are blocked and a transaction that is aborted due to a deadlock? I see
blocking all the time.
I recently had blocked transactions for over 12 hours for a write on a table, where I had to abort the user that had the write lock. I
would have thought that my waiting transactions would have aborted due to a deadlock.
But then today I had a transaction that was trying to write to a table that aborted with a 2631 deadlock. In the Teradata Manager logs I
did not see where this tran was even blocked. So what caused this to abort instead of waiting for the lock to get released?