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Message Posted: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 @ 19:38:11 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Connectivity Tests |
From: | | Paul Johnson |
BTEQ on Unix/MVS (dunno about Windoze) is typically faster than FastExport until volumes get well into the millions, if not tens of
millions, of rows. Sorting also used to have a significant impact on the speeds of early FastExport versions. It's all due to how the data
is retrieved and arranged prior to transmission back to the host...see the manuals.
I always recommend finding the cut-off point specific to each site.
In addition to it's import and export capabilities, BTEQ also has often-overlooked report formatting capabilities. IMHO, the increased
use of QueryMan has reduced the knowledge of the Teradata workhorse that is BTEQ.
ITEQ is still my fave!
Paul Johnson.