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Message Posted: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 @ 15:19:12 GMT

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Subj:   Re: Strange Product Join?
From:   David Wellman

In this example, the Product join is the type of processing used to perform the comparison. Whether this join used a product join or a merge join wouldn't change the outcome because you have a join criteria included in your sql and in the explain output.

A 'real' product join would have resulted (as you said) in a much larger row count, but a 'real' product join will only happen when you omit the join criteria or when you code a CROSS JOIN in your sql.

Think of it this way. There are join types and join strategies.

A join type is what you code in your sql, it allows you to determine the result of the join for any given set of data.

A join strategy is how the optimiser decides to perform that processing and may NOT be the same as you code.

As in this case, you have coded a perfectly acceptable INNER join, but due to DDL, data volumes etc the optimiser has chosen a product join strategy as the quickest way of producing the correct result.


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