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Message Posted: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 @ 13:52:04 GMT

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Subj:   Re: New Years Wish List
From:   Heard, Duncan

My wish list would have to include dramatically reducing the inordinate length of time it takes to retrieve and render a query using Visual Explain. With more complex queries you sometimes have time go for coffee (after initiating the retrieval a query from the QCD). Whilst some people may have the luxury of time to wait multiple minutes to display a query, less technical non-project personnel tend to get somewhat impatient, and inevitably end up not using explain at all (they like VE since it allows visualisation of the query - the old explain is almost impossible to get them to use).

As far as I can tell most of the time taken is retrieval of the query explain from Teradata to VE (although the time to render makes me suspect highly inefficient "network diagram rendering" code was used - probably done in VB). A number of SQLs are fired off serially. How about running multi sessions in parallel, and perhaps returning multiple queries worth of data in a single resultset (union of volitile tables or the like)... or something!



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