Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 @ 19:53:29 GMT
Subj: | | Re: New Years Wish List |
From: | | Rodrigo Cifuentes |
1) The simple one: Having hex value of every field in UV tables (currently I have to use an INMOD check values against domain criterias
and to hex the values by myself when I find an error and load an extra table with Domain Errors..... terrible!)
2) The dream: Having a Linux version! with the same market criteria/strategy used for Windows market (I guess you are already playing
with a Linux version in the plant.... share the joy of using it!)
3) The crazy one: What about creating something like an AMP ODBC so you can use every ODBC compatible thing as an AMP and configure a
'Supra Teradata' over an arbitrary set of machines running odbc-compliant-engines (including Teradata itself as a Supra AMP')?