Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 @ 18:40:49 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Record Length of Table |
From: | | Geoffrey Rommel |
| I want to find out record length of taradata table. I appreciate any help. | |
The Perl script below will read a file of DDL (usually the output of SHOW TABLE) and compute the row length for fixed-length rows
only. VARCHAR, BYTE, and VARBYTE are not supported but could easily be added.
Caution! If your table contains compressed columns, the rows will be different lengths; this script will compute the maximum. The actual
average would have to be determined empirically.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Compute row lengths for fixed-length columns only.
# Stdin: CREATE TABLE statements.
%length = ('INTEGER' => 4, 'SMALLINT' => 2, 'BYTEINT' => 1,
'CHAR' => -1, 'DECIMAL' => -1, 'DEC' => -1,
'DATE' => 4, 'TIME' => 6, 'TIMESTAMP' => 10,
'REAL' => 8, 'FLOAT' => 8,
$rl = 0; # Row length
$comp = 0; $nulb = 0; # Number of compressed & nullable columns
while (<>) {
chomp; tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if (m/CREATE( SET| MULTISET)? TABLE ([\w\.]+)/i) {
print "$2\n"; # Table name
$comp++ if /COMPRESS/;
$nulb++ unless /NOT NULL/;
($type, $len) = split /\(/, $1;
$pl = $length{$type}; # Preliminary length
if ($pl > 0) {
$rl += $pl;
} else {
$rl += true_length($type, $len);
#--- Account for compress and null bits
$rl += int(($comp + $nulb) / 8);
print " Row length: $rl with overhead: ", $rl+14, "\n";
$rl = 0; $comp = 0; $nulb = 0;
#--- Compute the true length in bytes of a CHAR or DEC.
sub true_length {
my ($type, $len) = @_;
if ($type =~ /DEC/) {
return ($len >= 10) ? 8 : ($len >= 5 ) ? 4 :
($len >= 3 ) ? 2 : 1;
} elsif ($type =~ /CHAR/) {
return $len;
} else {
return 0;
| |