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Message Posted: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 @ 13:33:58 GMT
Subj: | | Re: The Optimizer and Multi Inlists |
From: | | Dieter N�th |
But I think your query alerts us to a deficiency in SQL. You can specify a single literal value or a list of values (corresponding to
a column), but you cannot specify a list of values arranged in rows and columns. Since SQL is specifically meant for dealing with tables,
this is a huge oversight.
This is called a "row value expression" and it's a part of SQL since SQL92, but i don't know if any RDBMS vendor implemented
it ;-)
Wouldn't it be nice if you could write your query thus?
Select *
>From TableA
Where (ColumnA, ColumnB, Geo_Area_ID,
Csvy_Rspn_ID, Pop_Sub_Grp_ID, Csvy_Prod_ID)
((182, 1, 1049, 101954, 100024, 100310),
(182, 1, 1107, 101954, 100024, 100310),
(182, 6, 1049, 101954, 100024, 100310),
(182, 6, 1107, 101954, 100024, 100310)) ;
Would be nice e.g. for inserting serveral rows with a single insert statement.
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